
Interparlamentarische Delegation für die Beziehungen mit Kanada

Interparliamentary Delegation for relations with Canada

32nd Interparliamentary Meeting (IPM) from 9 until 12 November in Brussels

The Interparliamentary Delegation for relations with Canada held its 32nd Interparliamentary Meeting (IPM) from Monday, 9 November until Thursday 12 November in Brussels. This was the first meeting of the delegation in the new legislative term chaired by Philip BRADBOURN (ECR). The EPP Group holds the post of first Vice Chairwoman, Ms Elisabeth JEGGLE, and has 11 further EPP Members and Substitutes in this delegation.

The Canadian side was present with

Mr. David TILSON, MP (Conservative Party, Head of the delegation)

Hon. Pierrette RINGUETTE, Senator (Liberal Party)

Mrs. P aule BRUNELLE, MP (Bloc Quebecois)

Mr. Maurice VELLACOTT, MP (Conservative Party)

In the three working sessions on the 9th and 10th November the following key issues were raised

1. EU-Canada Relations in general, the Transatlantic Relations and EU Trade relations with Canada

The EU and Canada have launched on the occasion of the recent EU Canada summit in May 2009 in Prague a new Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) which shall deepen the long-lasting economic and political relations.  The agreement was welcomed in the meeting. Questions were raised on the Implementation of the Lisbon Treaty especially with regard to the new rights of the Parliament, i.e. the application of the consent procedure with regard to international agreements.

2. Foreign relations and Security

This debate was dominated by the political situation in Afghanistan, where corruption, illegal production of drugs and trade in drugs were mentioned as key problem in the fight against terrorism. The Canadian counterparts underlined the decision of the Canadian Government to withdraw the Canadian troops in 2011 at the latest.

Questions were raised as well on the Union's external action and specific provisions on the common foreign and security policy as mentioned in the Lisbon Treaty.

The European side questioned the Canadian Visa policy. Canada newly introduced the visa regime for Czech citizens following a significant increase of immigration demands, which provoked a debate in the EU. This regime is not based on the principal of reciprocity and should be abolished in due time.

3. Climate change, environment and energy and Northern Dimension

"Copenhagen has to become a success" this was a common understanding in the debate. Nevertheless there was a debate on the financing of the costs of climate change, where the European side showed more optimism than the Canadians. Canada welcomed the European activities with regard to renewable energies; there are no similar activities in this field in Canada

4. Agriculture, including food labelling and Fisheries

In this session, which was chaired by the Vice Chair E. Jeggle, the European side gave an overview on the future challenges of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) which regard to the 500 million consumers in the European Union (EU), the strict EU rules on animal welfare, the high diversity of farming in the 27 Member States and the reform of the agricultural budget until 2014. The ongoing legislation procedure on food labelling in the EU was widely discussed because food labelling concerns as well imported products. The Canadian side underlined the country's aim to get better market access for Canadian products. As many of the European main agricultural products are also produced in Canada, Canada is often considered a competitor on the EU market.

There was a common understanding on the aims of the fisheries policy; as mentioned in the EU's Green Book on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), especially on the protection of fish resources and international agreements in this area. On the other hand, there was a strong Canadian opposition regarding the recent decision on a regulation setting out harmonised strict conditions for the placing on the market of seal products in the EU. The Canadian Government asked on 2nd November 2009 for WTO consultations on the EU seal products ban.        


The Canadian Members of the Delegation attended a tour of Belgium on Wednesday and observed the vote during the European Parliament's plenary session on Thursday. The 32nd IPM EU-Canada was concluded with a lunch in the Presidential salon of the European Parliament on Thursday.

The 33rd IPM in Canada is scheduled for autumn 2010. The date, possibly within the first week of November has to be confirmed.

(W.K., EPP Secretariat 12.11.2009)



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