
In order for the richness of Europe to be recognized in these tumultuous times, we have to work together side by side and with mutual respect for each other.
This is one of my underlying principles for my work in Brussels and Strasbourg - and I will be your voice of our Region in the European Parliament. My homepage is meant to be a bridge between my work here and my fellow citizens back home. On my homepage you can easily get information about my work in the European Parliament.

Elisabeth Jeggle - Your Voice in Europe

I am the representative for the Region of Württemberg-Hohenzollern in the European Parliament. Situated in the South of Germany, the region borders on the Lake Constance and comprises eight districts and the Kreis-free town Ulm.
If you are interested in taking a "virtual walk" through the Region of Württemberg-Hohenzollern you can find a link with continuative information about every district below. For more information about the Region Württemberg-Hohenzollern please click here.

www.eppgroup.eu www.cdu.de

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